that was kool
that was so kool... very good animation, i liked it
keep up the good work
that was kool
that was so kool... very good animation, i liked it
keep up the good work
it was ok
at the begining it seemed really cool but then ended really quickly and the animation wasent that good.... and fix the replay button so u wouldnt only have to press the lettters
so short
u should ov made it longer... the backgrounds was better and if you want to increase the spped of the sound by 100% then u have to talk slowly so it can come out normal
that sucked..
why is every1 using windows narrator now?!?!!!!?!!!?
just record your own voice..
the animation was ok but everything else wasent!
very good
great flash the animation was very smooth ... cant wait to see the next
great work
thats was so funny... reminds me off the old days :P
cant wait to watch the next one .... lmao
wat was that supposed to mean?
ok.. the animation itself wasent that bad... the sound was ok but it was so weird. dude my nightmares are about rectangles circles and triangles /wich was all over your background/ this was the wierdest flash i ever saw in my life.. im sorry but it was pointless
wat the hell
dude that sucked... it was really annoying
that was really cool.... i think its better than d-day skate 2 for some reason... Very good flash my friend!
Yeah. It's older... but I feel more comfortable animating sticks. It's more fun =]
Joined on 12/18/05